What To Do If You Have Dental Emergency On The Weekend?

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  • What To Do If You Have Dental Emergency On The Weekend?
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Did you ever had a weekend dental emergency? No worries—we’ve got you covered! If you experience sudden tooth pain or injury outside regular hours, follow these steps. First, stay calm and assess the situation. Is there severe pain, swelling, or a knocked-out tooth? Contact an emergency dentist near you for immediate help. Manage pain with over-the-counter ibuprofen (avoid aspirin if bleeding). Handle a knocked-out tooth gently and seek immediate dental care. Quick action and professional help are vital to effectively handling a weekend dental emergency.

Step 1: Stay Calm and Assess

First things first, take a deep breath. Dental emergencies can unsettle, but panicking won’t help. Take a moment to assess the situation. Are you in pain? Is there swelling or bleeding? Understanding the issue will help you communicate effectively when seeking help.

Step 2: Reach Out to Your Dentist

Your regular dentist might not be available on the weekend, but start by calling their office. Many dental practices have emergency numbers or instructions on their voicemail. They can offer advice and let you know if they can see you or if you need to seek urgent care elsewhere.

Step 3: Find an Emergency Dental Service

If you can’t reach your dentist or are unavailable, look up emergency dental services. Use your favorite search engine or ask friends for recommendations. Some cities have specialized emergency dental clinics open on weekends. Emergency dental care ensures rapid, compassionate treatment for unexpected dental issues, prioritizing comfort and peace of mind.

Step 4: Manage Pain and Discomfort

While you wait for professional help, there are things you can do to manage pain and discomfort. Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen can help reduce pain and swelling. Avoid aspirin if there is bleeding, as it can thin the blood.

Step 5: Handle a Knocked-Out Tooth

If you’ve had a tooth knocked out, handle it carefully by the crown (the top part that’s usually visible) and rinse it gently with water. Try to place it back in the socket, but if you can’t, keep it moist by placing it in a glass of milk or saliva. Time is crucial here—get to a dentist within 30 minutes for the best chance of saving the tooth.

Step 6: Addressing Bleeding Gums or Mouth Injuries

For bleeding gums or mouth injuries, rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water to clean the area. If the site is bleeding, use clean gauze or a damp tea bag to apply gentle pressure. Avoid using alcohol-based mouthwashes, as they can sting and irritate.

Step 7: Stay Hydrated and Rest

Managing a dental emergency can be very draining. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. If you are sensitive, stay away from extremely hot or cold beverages. Till you can visit a dentist, try to get as much rest as you can.

Step 8: Prevent Further Damage

If you’ve broken a tooth or lost a filling, try covering any sharp edges with dental wax (available at most pharmacies) to prevent cuts to your cheeks or tongue. Also, avoid chewing on the affected side of your mouth.

Step 9: Follow Up

Once you’ve received treatment for your dental emergency, follow any instructions given by the dentist. This might include scheduling a follow-up appointment or taking prescribed medications.

Step 10: Learn and Prepare

Lastly, take this experience as a lesson to be prepared for future emergencies. Consider saving the contact details of emergency dental services on your phone and creating a dental emergency kit with essentials like pain relievers, gauze, and dental wax.

Emergency dental services provide immediate care for urgent dental issues, ensuring prompt relief and expert attention to restore oral health. Dental emergencies happen, but you can navigate them smoothly with the proper knowledge and actions. Stay calm, reach out for help, and take care of yourself.

Lessard Dental – Your Weekend Dental Lifeline

Lessard Dental is here for you during dental emergencies outside regular hours. Rely on us for guidance, pain, relief, and calm reassurance. Our dentist in West Edmonton provides personalized care, even on weekends. Trust us for compassionate and timely treatment. Your smile is in expert hands with Lessard Dental.

About Author


I am a graduate of Dalhousie University, from the Faculty of Dentistry with a Doctorate of Dental Surgery. I have over 12 years of clinical experience. I am well trained in all areas of restorative dentistry and have a special interest in both cosmetic and orthodontic procedures.

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