Protecting Your Smile as You Age with Dentures

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dentist explaining about dentures

Most of you will probably associate dentures with aging. However, there are instances when someone in their 30s can consider the benefits that wearing dentures can offer. If you have a specific medical condition, such as acid reflux, tooth decay, or gum disease, that has led to tooth loss, you may find dentures necessary at some point. You can also lose some of your teeth due to physical trauma. Dentures in West Edmonton are designed to regain the functionality of your oral system and restore your beautiful smile.

What Your Dental Office in West Edmonton Wants You to Know

Some people are worried about getting dentures since they fear they will not complement the rest of their teeth and appear fake-looking. After extracting your teeth, you should allow the wound to heal completely. It will be prone to swelling, discomfort, pain, and bleeding. If you are getting immediate dentures, you may encounter some issues. The dentist specializing in dentures near you should warn you about uneven bites and discomfort. You may have to visit the dental office multiple times to correct this.

You should also understand that adjusting to your new dentures will take time. You must adjust when you are eating, speaking, or wearing dentures.

Types of Dentures

Due to the advancements in dentistry, there has been a significant development in the design of dentures. Visit our dental clinic near you and let us discuss which option will suit your needs.

Traditional Dentures

It is the conventional type of denture that is meant to replace the bottom or the top arches of the teeth. It is also removable. It can be secured to the gums with dental glue recommended by your dental clinic in West Edmonton. We only offer top-notch and high-quality dentures that are custom-fit. We assure our clients that the dentures will be comfortable, secure, and will appear natural. If you choose this option, you must be careful about eating tough food since you can damage the materials.

Implant-Supported Dentures

It is a more recent type of denture. By attaching this dental appliance to your implants, you do not have to remove them. Similar to traditional dentures, this is also intended to replace dental arches. However, unlike the removable type, it does not require soaking or glue. Since you can’t remove them, you must clean them like your natural teeth. Some people will prefer this since they are easy to maintain. The food restrictions are also fewer compared to traditional dentures.

Immediate or Permanent Dentures?

Whether you prefer implant-supported or traditional dentures, tooth extraction will likely have to be performed on the lower or upper dental arches. Once the removal is done, you must allow your gums to heal. The shape of the gums will also slightly change. The healing process will last for a few months. During this period, our dental office in West Edmonton will advise you to refrain from acquiring permanent dentures since it will merely be a waste of your money and time.

You might decide to spend this time without teeth, but most people will choose to get immediate dentures. It can be worn right after the extraction. You will wear this for a couple of months while waiting for the gums to heal and take shape. Once the healing period is done, most people will choose permanent dentures. It will be sharper and more defined compared to the immediate dentures. It also appears more natural.

If you are worried about the cost of dentures, this is still more affordable than the other dental treatment process. If you need an implant-supported full-upper denture, the average price will be around $1,600. For both lower and upper, the expense may rise to $3,000. The cost of the immediate denture will be more affordable at $1,400. Different factors contribute to the overall cost, such as tooth extraction, X-rays, and the number of visits to our dentist in West Edmonton.

About Author


I am a graduate of Dalhousie University, from the Faculty of Dentistry with a Doctorate of Dental Surgery. I have over 12 years of clinical experience. I am well trained in all areas of restorative dentistry and have a special interest in both cosmetic and orthodontic procedures.

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