How Do You Know If Implant Is Failing?

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Today, we’re going to talk about something important—implants. No, not the kind you put in your teeth, but the ones that help people feel better and healthier. Sometimes, these implants might not work as well as they should. How can you tell if your implant isn’t working properly? Let’s find out.

1. Pain, Pain, Go Away

One big sign that something might be wrong with your implant is if you’re feeling a lot of pain. Now, we’re not talking about a little ache here and there, but constant or increasing pain around where the dental implant near you is. If it hurts when you touch it or if the pain doesn’t go away with time, it’s a red flag.

2. Swelling That Sticks Around

Swelling is like our body’s way of saying, “Hey, something’s not right here!” If you notice that the area around your implant is swollen and it’s not going away, it could mean trouble. Keep an eye on it and let an adult know if it doesn’t get better.

3. Wobbly or Loose

Imagine if your tooth suddenly started feeling wobbly—that would be strange, right? Well, the same goes for implants. If your implant starts to feel loose or wobbly, it’s not doing its job properly. It’s like a loose screw in a machine—it needs fixing.

4. Weird Sensations

Sometimes, you might feel strange sensations around your implant. It could be tingling, numbness, or even a weird taste in your mouth. Our bodies are good at telling us when something’s off, so listen to what it’s saying.

5. Gum Troubles

Your gums play a big role in keeping your dental implants in West Edmonton secure. If you notice that your gums are swollen, red, or bleeding around the implant site, it could be a sign of trouble. Healthy gums are happy gums, so keep an eye on them.

6. Changes in Appearance

Have you ever noticed how your implant looks? If it starts to look different – maybe darker or discoloured—it could mean that something’s not right. Our bodies can sometimes show us signs on the outside when something’s not working well on the inside.

7. Trouble Chewing

Implants are supposed to make things easier, not harder! If you’re having trouble chewing your food or if it feels uncomfortable when you bite down, your implant might be failing you. Eating should be enjoyable, not painful.

8. Feverish Feelings

Sometimes, when our bodies are fighting off something, we get a fever. If you’re feeling feverish and you notice any of the other signs we’ve talked about, let a dentist near you know. Fevers are our body’s way of saying, “Help me!”

9. Strange Sounds

Here’s a weird one – if you start hearing strange sounds coming from your implant, like clicking or grinding, it’s definitely not normal. Implants are meant to be quiet and sturdy, not noisy and shaky.

10. Trouble Sleeping

Last but not least, if your implant troubles are keeping you up at night—whether it’s because of pain or discomfort—it’s a sign that something needs to be fixed. Sleep is super important for our bodies to heal and recharge, so don’t ignore it.

Closing Thoughts

Remember, if you notice any of these signs with your implant, don’t panic! The most important thing is to talk to an adult you trust, like a parent or a dentist in West Edmonton. They can help figure out what’s going on and how to fix it.

Taking care of our bodies, including our implants, is really important, so listen to what they’re telling you and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Lessard Dental offers expert care to fix falling implants.

With their skilled team and advanced techniques, they can restore your smile and ensure your implant is secure and functional. Trust Lessard Dental for implant solutions you can rely on.

About Author


I am a graduate of Dalhousie University, from the Faculty of Dentistry with a Doctorate of Dental Surgery. I have over 12 years of clinical experience. I am well trained in all areas of restorative dentistry and have a special interest in both cosmetic and orthodontic procedures.

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